
Americana Done Right



It’s World Cup time and the U.S. has slowly swarmed with more and more red, white and blue. Anything that could possibly have an American flag added to it, now has one. However, as everyday, non-designer folk, many Americans don’t realize the difference between great stars and stripes and those that lack, erm…designer swag, shall we say?

That being said, for today’s post I decided to go show this great country of ours that “Americana done right” is in fact, a beautiful thing.

1. Simplicity is key: Vintage Rower iPhone case from Society 6

2. Red, white and blue prevails in this great DIY wedding table design from Homemade Bride

3. I can’t lie, corn dogs gross me out. But some package design from Williams-Sonoma might just change my mind…

4. I’m a sucker for vintage so this scarf definitely hits the mark

5. Happened to spy this flag throw at B&N yesterday. Bonus: it’s also super soft

6. Burn some apple pie scented candles in Hayneedle’s Bailey Lattice Candle Lanterns for instant Ameri-fication

7. This can design from Miller can make even the fanciest of fancy want to crack open a cold one

So if you’re planning to watch Team USA tonight, throw on some well-designed Americana and wear it with pride!
